View Profile chaingun56

35 Movie Reviews

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Loved in on Camp Chaos

Still love it now. I think Sci-fi guys was and still is superior to RAB, the comedy is so less juvinile. It's good to see it moving over to the portal.

Great sense of comedy

Fantastic animation, really enjoyed it. The cuts to the storks talking about the plot holes and how they are delt with is awesome. The tooth fairy and the baby testing were strokes of genious. The whole thing flowed nicely except for the shots at the start of the factory. It was hard to understand what was really going on. You might try shrinking the size of the rollers powerering the conveyor belts, I wasn't sure if they were actually knifes going through the rubber or not at first.

When the guy falls in the start we don't see where he goes. It would have been nice to see where he went, weather it be on a conveyor belt or not.

Either way, great animation, hope to see more like it in the future.

Love your reviews as always

Fantastic flash TX2, when I found out why you hadn't been all over newgrounds like an aardvark on an ant hill this summer. I was saddend but I guess the wait is over with your halloween flash and now this! Congratz on your first front page TX2, though it's even sweeter because you have a lot more reviews to respond to. I almost get as much of a kick out of your responces as I get out of your flashes.

Hope we'll get stuck in a class together some time up at school over the next few years. So here's to your next flash when ever that may be. Feel free to E-mail me if you want to do anything.

P.S. The mockumentory is up on the net just not here, hosting it off of my home server.

Fantastic work as always

I remember when you made trick or treat battle in your spare time in video class last year. Like how you changed it to fit halloween. Are you going to put up the colored version any time?

Either way, fantastic work TX2. You really should try to get Dirt Park into flash. It's really too bad that these guys can't see the other stuff you've made. All bloody fantastic! Trust me guys, you want TX2 to put up more of the stuff he has on tape. Comedic genious.

TX2 responds:

Well, Chaingun, we actually have plans to put the Christams Carol parody up, and in ways you can't possibly imagine, no less.

Not the strangest I seen but close

Well the WTF meter is once again sitting in the red zone. The I own time series beats it but not much else.

The graphics are great (as if you didn't already know that). Creative symbolisim that can go anyway you want if you throw enough spin on it. For example (spoiler alert): The soldier can represent the past and it's challenges the blood signifies the effort spend to rise to the challenge. The angel thingy can be seen as the future, the past can see it but not have it. The road of skeletons can be the great people who gave the abillity to get to the present (floating island). The alter is where the new generation is born and the tree represents the earth being there from time immortal looking down on us. The whole angel turning into the guy shows that the past repeats it self. Or the whole thing could be declearing that the auther likes loly pops. It's all up to your mind and how you interpret things.

A god among men truely you are.

Here'd I thought I'd given up writing reviews, then Vinnie comes along and blows the socks off my feet yet again. Fantastic flash by one of my favorite flash artists of all time. Exellent work Vin, your timing of action with the music is unparelleled. I think I can more than safely sum up your flash work in one word: More. Your style is awesome and the quality is unrivaled. You choice in music for your flash works always fits right in, no matter the language it is in. Keep doing what you do, because it rocks. (I think I just started watching it again for the 8th time)

Fantastic, VVF.

The art is great, the only series that I've seen to surpas what you have done is Ninjai. But they had a whole crew so it's kinda hard to compare. Your angles and animation of motion was superb, your style of art had an interesting merge of what's wrong with this picture with natural objects. Not only that but you managed to pull off the hardest thing of all, good voices.

If I may chance a guess into your mind and the futrue of this story. My guess that the person on the phone is at her bedside in a hospital and just got ussered out of the room by a doctor or some such. I'm probably wrong but a good story teller always has the adiance guessing and your certeinly doing that. Don't stress yourself on getting the next out too soon, just get it out when it's done.

Well done!

Loved the first, glad to see a follow up. If you havn't seen the first go watch it. The addition of Skeletor's vilolence to He-man in this one was great. The picture at the end was also a nice touch to the episode. Can't wait to see what you manage to make next.

Great stuff weebl, keep it coming.

If you didn't already know the next two episodes of this are already up at weebl's home site along with the whole series: http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/index.php

Also if you didn't know Weebl was behind the badgers cartoon. Truly a guy with great talent.

you = pwnzor!

as I was going though newgrounds portal at 2 am I ran across a blue entry marked polatity 3
I was confused for a second then I remembered 2 other polatity megaman moives that I had seen earlier. So I popped it up and watched it. Though the moive my opinons when like this:


hey.. this pretty good

dang, nice

wow, that must have taken some time

what? no protoman? well kinda didn't see that coming

very nice


yeah so I guess by the end of the commentary after I watched the gag reel I was impreased.
The amount of work you put into this I don't even want to know, propaply more hours than in 2-4 months time.

yeah..... Your teh rockxor, massive pWning.

Frankenroc responds:

The Evil Monkeys of the Apocalypse and I are glad you enjoyed it.

so, little, sleep, must, stay, awake *thud*


suiside rusher


zerg hive

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